Willow Spring Mercantile 816-630-7467
249 E Broadway Excelsior Springs MO 64024 US
Willow Spring Mercantile
A Journey through Missouri Wine, Gifts & Goods
Fresh, Flavorful, Made-to-Order Lunches
Sat. Sept. 19th
5-8:30pm Fundraiser Dinner for Donna Bell and her Family.
BBQ at it's finest

Gift Cards for Groceries & Necessities
Cash/check donations
Gas Cards
Basic Baby supplies
Gift cards for clothing for her children for back to school
Cards/letters of inspiration
All can be dropped off at Willow Spring Mercantile.

Our friend and Employee Donna, recently found out her 17 year old daughter Callie has Leukemia. They have spent countless hours in the hospital as Callie awaits a bone marrow transplant. At the same time she found out about Callie, she and her husband Shawn found out they expecting their 5th child. The Leukemia diagnosis has forever changed their lives. The financial burden and loss of work has become a significant factor along with expecting a new member to their family, so, we are hosting a BBQ dinner for her and her family, Sat Sept 19th, 5-8:30pm - Please join us for dinner. All staff and food donated by your friends at Willow Spring Mercantile. 100% of all money raised will go directly to the family.

For more details or to donate additionally please call Willow Spring Mercantile at 816-630-7467